Hi! Welcome to Sandbar Design Co. We are a husband and wife team who work together on home improvement projects across the South Coast and love to renovate the 508. The what?? We live in Padanaram, a beautiful coastal town and love this community so much we moved back from Philly to raise a family here. Yup that’s right we also have two girls. Olivia, aka Yaya is 6 and Amelia aka Mila is 2. They bring so much joy and chaos to our life its insane…. we don’t even remember life as single rested humans and can’t imagine not having a full plate without them. There is always room to take on more so long as we are together as family.

So how did Sandbar Design Co come to life? Well… we bought a tiny bungalow with a great piece of property for the village we live in and decided 4 years ago… with a 2-year-old in tow that we would renovate it and add on- like REALLY add on. We doubled the square footage, gutted the kitchen and we did it all together and on a budget. Jason designed it and managed the construction of the project and I decorated the interior and managed the budget. We never fought. Not once and were always aligned with the vision. Our 2-year-old survived, and we are still happily married soooooo from there we created a side hustle helping others to achieve their vision of whatever home renovation or property management need they had, which has grown into Sandbar Design Co.

Email us at sandbardesignco@gmail.com we would love to hear from you!